Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 4 '20 esl>eng obtenible that can be produced pro closed no
- Dec 3 '20 esl>eng quiebres breaches pro closed no
- Dec 3 '20 esl>eng el buen fin de la promoción successful completion of the promotion pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '20 esl>eng tenía un horario de entrada, pero no de salida had a start time, but not an ending/finishing time pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '20 esl>eng realización de los servicios execution of the services pro closed ok
4 Oct 7 '20 esl>eng "y que a día de hoy nos hace ser pioneros" (see my input) and ever since, we have been cutting-edge leaders in the industry pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '20 esl>eng ejecutor executant pro just_closed no
4 Sep 30 '20 esl>eng control previo sobre los gastos prior monitoring of costs/expenses pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '20 ita>eng Fabbisogno occupazionale staffing requirements pro closed ok
- Sep 12 '20 esl>eng a cargo de la autoridad they will fall under the purview of the pertinent suthority pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '20 fra>eng Rejoindre un état d'esprit A Meeting of Minds pro closed ok
4 Jul 8 '20 esl>eng ser invisibles es la mejor manera de ayudarte remaining in the background is the best way to help you/give you peace of mind pro closed ok
- Jun 11 '20 fra>eng groupes intégrés integrated groups pro closed no
4 May 26 '20 esl>eng empresa de firma digital digital signature company pro closed ok
- May 26 '20 fra>eng producteur de séjours campground vacation entrepreneurs pro closed no
- May 11 '20 eng>esl stand on their own tener bases sólidos pro closed no
4 May 9 '20 eng>esl extorted millions había extorsionado muchos miliones de dólares pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '20 esl>eng la afectación debe ser total must be completely utilized pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '20 esl>eng gastos aparejados and expenses related to it pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '20 por>eng despoletar gives rise to pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '20 ita>eng già allora, sapremo con sei mesi.... even then, we will know, six months in advance... pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '19 fra>eng comité économique et social business and economics development committee pro closed no
- Dec 15 '19 ita>eng ha già trovato ampi riscontri which, by and large, have been well documented pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '19 fra>eng emplois induits which have been created pro closed ok
4 Jun 24 '19 por>eng forma de trabalhar style of working/working style pro closed ok
- Jun 24 '19 por>eng não anda com o negócio when the technology does not keep up with the needs of the business/does not reflect the needs of... pro closed ok
- Jun 24 '19 por>eng em franca expansão in open expansion pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '19 fra>eng Je vous laisse me suivre? Do you want to follow me? pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '19 esl>eng jamacuco big or nasty stomachache pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '18 eng>esl in-group grupo exclusivista o excluyente/camarilla pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '18 eng>esl Easy to Act On en que es fácil actuar pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '18 esl>eng proyecto productivo productive projects/projects that get results pro just_closed no
- Oct 6 '18 eng>esl expenditure capital pro open no
4 Aug 16 '18 eng>esl timekeeper registrador(a) de horas trabajadas pro closed ok
- Aug 7 '18 fra>eng Avoir un tempérament commercial have a business temperament pro closed no
4 Jul 17 '18 por>eng "...muita gente que entra de mercado não para." a lot of people who are members of the job market do not spend a lot of time there pro closed no
- Jul 1 '18 esl>eng que no dependan de that will be created on/that will appear on pro closed no
- Jun 15 '18 por>eng Apetite less of a desire/are not all that motivated to pro closed no
- Jun 15 '18 por>eng pavimentados are not fixed in stone pro closed no
- May 28 '18 fra>eng à votre attention drawn to/meant for your attention pro closed no
- Mar 5 '18 fra>eng Emploi présent à l'international a job which is found/in place in other countries pro closed no
- Mar 3 '18 fra>eng Management libéré unrestricted management pro closed no
- Feb 1 '18 eng>esl adverse action la acción adversa será aplicada pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '18 fra>eng Agrément des constructeurs manufacturers' and distributors' approval pro closed no
4 Jan 17 '18 esl>eng empleos genuinos real jobs pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '18 ita>eng obiettivi di risanamento financial reconstruction pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '18 ita>eng naufragati failed attempts pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '18 fra>eng risques pénaux legal risks pro closed ok
4 Jan 5 '18 eng>esl in excess of superiores a pro closed ok
4 Jan 4 '18 esl>eng acotada which is more limited to windows pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered